What does the Free Trial include? RingRx’s Free Trial is designed to let anyone interested kick our tires to make sure we have the features and...
How does RingRx work? RingRx is a full-featured enterprise-class communications solution. This means it works just as well for solo practitioners as it does...
How long is the Free Trial? The Free Trial is for 14 days. You can make your account permanent anytime by setting up a payment method...
Can I pick my number? Your RingRx Number When you sign up for a new account at RingRx, we automatically assign a “temporary” number for...
Billing Basics RingRx is a subscription service and our plans follow a billing cycle and methodology similar to many monthly business and...
Porting a Cell Phone Number If you are porting a number into RingRx that is currently on a cell phone plan, there are several things...