• Are you charging fees?

    There are fees for registration; however, any fees RingRx charges will be sent to TCR on your behalf. The fees we collect from you will be the same amount as those charged by our partners and the mobile carriers. In other words, we do not mark up their fees. A…

  • I filled out the form, when will my texting work?

    Unfortunately, there is a backlog of applications because aggregators and carriers require all campaigns to be registered before the campaigns can run on the carrier networks. We do not have control over the review process. You should expect the process to take up to 10 days. In the meantime, we…

  • Texting Campaign Registration – Update February 2025

    UPDATED FEBRUARY 10, 2025 This article discusses text campaign registration. To learn more about this issue, please read our Texting Campaign Registration article. Since 2021, all text messaging campaigns running on mobile carrier networks must be approved by third-party partners called aggregators. The aggregators ensure the campaigns meet the requirements…

  • Returning Phones, Devices, and other Hardware

    Returning Deskphones, Devices, and other Hardware Deskphones and other devices that are either provided as Rentals or are Leased (within the lease term) must be returned to RingRx Shipping Department upon the cancellation of your account or if you want to terminate a Lease.  Failure to return Rented or Leased…

  • Free Trial Setup or “What do I do now?”

    Welcome to RingRx!  We are excited to have you try our service and hope you have a great experience.  You might be wondering what you should to do get going to test out the features that are imnportant to you.  Read on and we will do our best to help…

  • Porting Out

    How to port your number away from RingRx If you have a number with RingRx and you need to move it to another telephone company, you can do so using a process called “porting”.   This process is an official process in which two phone companies manage who is responsible for…

  • What is the porting process like?

    The porting process can range from very easy and quick for customers with few numbers on one account, to challenging for customers with lots of numbers on multiple accounts or carriers.  RingRx manages most of the process for you.  But you should understand that the process is regulated by the…

  • Porting from Google Voice

    Porting a number from Google Voice to RingRx is very easy.  The process is quicker than with most carriers.  As long as we get correct information and you follow the steps below, you can expect the port to complete within 3-5 business days, possibly even faster.   Read Google’s support…

  • What does RingRx charge for

    RingRx takes pride in making its pricing plans as transparent and simple as possible.  We avoid charging fees or taxes when possible, and avoid hidden or gimmicky methods of extracting additional charges from our customers.  Pricing for our standard plans can be found on our pricing page on our website,…

  • Taxes and Fees

    Notice of Taxation on Telecommunications Services (Effective March 15, 2025) RingRx is a registered telecommunications company providing service throughout the United States. This status requires us to register with every state and locality where we offer services and to report our customers’ taxable usage as required by each relevant taxing…