Sending and viewing faxes Sending Faxes Faxes can be seen in the Voicemail tab. The icon will be different than voice messages. Tapping on...
Softphone RingRx offers a browser-based phone that can be used for calls and texts. The phone can be accessed from within...
Contacts RingRx Contacts lets you add people you call, fax, or text frequently to help facilitate workflows, call backs, and improve...
How Does the Softphone Work The softphone will allow you to use our service from your computer, check out this video for basics on the...
Tags RingRx uses tags in many features on our service. Tags are a helpful way to help you understand what parts...
Trouble Logging In Logging into the RingRx Customer Portal To log into the RingRx Customer Portal, you will need to enter: Email address...