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  2. Setting up 3rd Party Yealink Device

Setting up 3rd Party Yealink Device

This article details the process for connecting a Yealink device that was supplied by a 3rd party.

RingRx does not support, configure, troubleshoot or guarantee phones that we do not supply.  For details, please review this article before buying, installing, or configuring phones that were not supplied by RingRx

Can we use our current deskphones?

RingRx is not able to provide support to you on phone configuration and functionality if you choose to use a device that we did not provide to you.  Configuring phones is highly technical and very difficult for the average consumer.  We strongly suggest engaging a technical consultant who can assist with this process.

If you choose to configure your own Yealink Device, you will need to know the admin password as this is required to access the necessary pages for redirecting the device to RingRx.

Adding the Device to RingRx

As an account admin you will complete this process through the RingRx Portal

  1. Log in to https://portal.ringrx.com
  2. Click on the Gear in the top right
  3. Click Settings
  4. Click Devices on the left
  5. Add new Device
  6. Name the device
  7. Select the appropriate device type
  8. Enter the devices mac address, this can be located on the back of the device
  9. Select the user assigned to the device
  10. Define the display name that will show up on the device

Redirecting the device to RingRx

The first step will be to obtain the devices IP address.  Once you have that open a web browser on your computer and enter the IP address into the web address bar. This will open the log in screen for the device.  The user should be admin and the default password is also admin.

Next you will need to go to Security and the Trusted Certificates sub menu on the left


Set the Only Accept Trusted Certificates to Disabled

Then press Confirm




Then navigate to Settings and the Auto Provision sub menu on the left



In the server URL field add the following


Then press Auto Provision