• Password Reset

    All RingRx Users are credentialed with their own unique email address and password.  If you need to change your password, it is easy to do so at any time.  There are two ways to change your password: From Login Page Go to the RingRx portal here  Click “Forget your password?”…

  • Using RingRx Softphone in Foreign Countries

    RingRx can be used Internationally or Overseas just as it does locally in the United States. This is true for all “endpoints” (i.e. types of phones), including the mobile app, the softphone, and deskphones. RingRx is always a US based service, no matter where the User is.  So wherever you…

  • Device Purchase, Lease, Rental, and Returns

    As part of your service with RingRx you may choose to use physical deskphones.  There are four ways to add phones to your RingRx account, each of which has different rights, responsibilities, and user capabilities. Deskphone Rental Some of RingRx plans include a deskphone as part of the service.  The…

  • Using RingRx outside of the US

    RingRx can be used Internationally or Overseas just as it does locally in the United States.  Yes RingRx is always a US based service, no matter where the User is.  So wherever you go, you will always be placing local US calls and people will be calling you on a…

  • RingRx Video Conference

    RingRx video is a new feature that Users can access for any kind of video communications including remote appointments, telemedicine, follow ups, general business, etc.  It is a secure and easy to use solution with features and reliability that compare favorably to other products on the market.  RingRx uses a…

  • RingRx Video Beta

    RingRx Video is now available to select customers as a Beta product.  This article will give you an overview of features and how to use the feature from both the provider/host and patient/guest perspectives. Overview RingRx video is a new feature that Users can access for any kind of video…

  • Recent Texting Problems September 27, 2023

    This notice is in response to recent telecommunication industry events related to texting (SMS) services and how it is impacting RingRx customers. THIS ISSUE IS AFFECTING ALL TELECOMMUNICATIONS PROVIDERS For background on this issue, please review this article Over a year ago, the major cell phone providers created a new…

  • Music on Hold

    RingRx offers Music on Hold on all of our plans and comes as a default setting turned on for all Accounts.  We provide 5 basic Music on Hold options, which can be changed to suit your perference. We also offer the ability for you to customize your own music and…

  • e911 Location Failure Surcharge

    As part of your service with RingRx, you, as a customer, are able to call 911 if you have an emergency. That call will be handled by a 911 operator who will dispatch emergency services using normal protocols. The FCC requires that we provide this service to you and, given…

  • What is e911?

    E911 (Enhanced 911) is an emergency telephone system in North America that provides enhanced capabilities for locating and responding to emergency calls. It is an upgraded version of the traditional 911 emergency service that incorporates additional features to assist emergency services in locating callers. E911 was developed to address the…