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What is a User?

RingRx is a “user-based” service, which means that we provide services based on this fundamental unit.  This is different from traditional “landline” phone services from the past, which typically charged a “line fee” and usage on a “per-minute” basis.  Many other RingRx services can be tailored for the User’s particular needs.  The User’s ability to access RingRx’s services and features is the core part of how an account is used.  This is the standard approach for software based services, including most other internet based communications services.

Because services are built around a User’s needs, RingRx’s pricing plans are primarily priced on a “per-user” basis.  This means an account is billed for the number of Users that are present on the account.  Deskphones generally are required to be bound to a unique User.

RingRx uses “user-based” pricing because it is simple, fair, and allows us to ensure appropriate security.

It is simple because customers can easily add up the number of people they have on an account and figure out the total cost of their service.  It is fair because RingRx estimates the amount of usage of our service based on the number of people in a company as well as how features of the selected plans are accessed.  Also, many of RingRx services are actually software, so it is not possible to charge for these features based on minutes or some other unit.

Security and Compliance

A user-based system is also a core element of HIPAA and other security standards.  This primarily has to do with “custody” of your patient’s data.  As part of RingRx’s service, we make certain commitments to our customers that only permitted identities have access to data that may contain your patient’s protected private health information.  We also have features that can be used to limit access to certain users.  As part of our service, you can be sure that staff who do not have a reason to access certain data will not be able to do so.  Having access controlled by user identities helps us establish an audit trail or for information custody.   If user identities and credentials are not managed properly or are shared between staff, then this important aspect of security and compliance is undermined.  As a result, if user credentials are shared, any guaranty of compliance with HIPAA would no longer something we can offer and our business associate agreement would be invalidated.

What is a User?

What exactly is meant by a “user”?  A User is any individual who accesses our services using a mobile app, a deskphone, or our user portal for any purpose on an account.  Generally a user will include the following:

  • Username
  • Password
  • Extension number
  • A voicemail box
  • A voicemail PIN




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