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  4. My Voicemail Settings
  1. Home
  2. Voicemail Management
  3. My Voicemail Settings

My Voicemail Settings

In the RingRx user portal, the following settings can be managed:

PIN:  This is your code required to call in to pick up messages.  4-8 digits.

Transcription:  Turn on if you would like voice mail messages transcribed.

Play Envelope:  When you call in to pick up messages, the Envelope will play date and time the message was received and the callers Caller ID.

Quota:  The amount of storage space in a Voicemail box.

Email Message to:  (Not HIPAA compliant) If you would like your voice messages emailed to you, enter your email address here.  Multiple addresses should be separated by a comma.

Email Notification:  If you would like to be notified when you receive a new message enter your email address here.  Multiple addresses should be separated by a comma.



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