Greetings and Prompts

Greetings, or “prompts”, are recording media files that play during parts of your Menu.  All prompts that are used in a menu must be uploaded to our “Media Files” library prior to using them in a Menu.  File types must be in .wav or .mp3.

The most convenient way to record your Menu greeting is to use the recorder right in our user portal:

  1. Log into the user portal
  2. Go to Settings\Media Files
  3. Select Add New Media file
  4. Assign a name to it (“Main Office Hours Menu”, “Provider Menu”, etc)
  5. Select Record New
  6. Click the round red record button
  7. Using a headset or microphone, say your greeting.
  8. Click the square red stop button
  9. Play your recording to make sure it sounds right and has proper volume level
  10. Select Save Recording
  11. Select Save again.


Two other ways to create a Menu prompt are using the RingRx recording studio, or recording it on your smartphone:

RingRx recording studio:

  1. From any RingRx phone, dial *732
  2. At the tone, start recording. (Hint:  Make sure your mouth is close to the microphone to ensure good audio volume)
  3. When done just hang up.  Your recording will be emailed to the user that created the recording.
  4. Listen to the recording to make sure its how you like.  Re-record until you get it just right.
  5. Upload the file to the Media Library.  From the RingRx portal, go to Settings\Media Files.  Upload your new media file.  It is now ready to be used in a Menu


Smartphone recording:

  1. Create recording on your smartphone voice recorder app.
  2. Save the m4a file to your PC.
  3. Download the converted file to your PC
  4. In the RingRx portal, go to Settings\Media Files.  Upload your new media file.  It is now ready to be used in a Menu


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