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  3. Completing the Port Form

Completing the Port Form

How to Complete the Port Form

The port form should be completed to initiate the process of bringing a phone number that is presently at some phone company other than RingRx into an Account you have at RingRx.  This is also known as a “Port-In”.

A Port In form must be completed for every account you have numbers on that you want to port in.  In other words, all ports are “account specific”.  For example, lets say you have 5 numbers with ACME Phone Company and 2 numbers with ROADRUNNER Fax Company.  You would fill out two port forms:  One port form for each company, ACME and ROADRUNNER.

The company that has your numbers right now that you are leaving is referred to as the “Losing Carrier” because they will be losing the number.  RingRx is considered the “Gaining” or “Winning” Carrier

The process of porting is highly sensitive and has built in obstacles to make it hard for thieves to take your numbers without your permission.  The main obstacle to porting is establishing proof that RingRx has authority from you to move your phone number away from the Losing Carrier and to RingRx.   So completing this form accurately (or otherwise providing this information to RingRx), is critical to a successful process.  The port will not complete until all the information the Losing Carrier requires is provided.

Most of the information you enter on this form is what is on your account at the losing carrier.  It is not information pertaining to RingRx

Customer Name – This is the name of the company you setup at RingRx

Email – This is your email address we can contact you at.  Ideally it will match your RingRx User email address

All of the remaining fields pertain to your Account and the Losing Carrier (not RingRx)

Billing Telephone (BTN) – This is the main phone number associated with your account at the Losing Carrier

Number You Would Like to Port – This is pretty self explanatory – every number you want to bring to RingRx from the Losing Carrier (on one Account) should be listed here.

Type of Number – There are only two types: Phone and Fax.

Function of Number – What does this number do in your company?  Does it route to a Menu?  Does it go to voicemail?  Does it route to a User’s extension?  Provide a brief explanation.  Don’t worry as this can always be modified either after the port or while its in process.

Current Service Provider Name – This is the name of the company that currently has custody of your number(s), aka the Losing Carrier

Location – Its helpful to know if its currently shown as a residential or business number.  Its not critical, so if you can’t figure it out, just select business unless the service has been exclusively at a residence

Is this a Wireless Number – Wireless numbers almost always require a PIN.  This is the only reason we ask.

Account PIN – If your number or account has a PIN on it, we must know it in order to port the number away from the Losing Carrier

Account Number – This helps the Losing Carrier confirm they have the correct account to release the number from.  Provide the number that is on yout billing statement.  If you do not have an Account Number, your main biling phone number (BTN) is most likely the Account Number.

Name as it Appears on your Statement – This should be the company name as it is spelled on your billing statement from the Losing Carrier. This should be exact – punctuation and everything

Authorized Contact for this Account – You may not see this on your statement and it may not be worth it to call the Losing Carrier to try to get it.   If you know who it is, provide it as accurately as possible.  If not, just provide the company owners name or the person most likely to have set the account up.

Service Street Address (and City, State, Zip) – Every phone service is required to have a designated service address (even if its an internet based service).  This does not have to match the address on your RingRx account

Comments – Anything you think may be helpful to us in dealing with the Losing Carrier may be entered here.  All porting is managed by real people who will be reading and monitoring the port so we will read this and it will be included in your file throughout the porting process.

Attach a copy of a recent Statement or Account Summary – This is extremely helpful in the event we get an error when we submit the port.  If you have one, please attach it. If you don’t, go ahead and submit the request now, and be prepared for us to request one if needed.



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